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Writer's pictureDennis Bowns

EASA Accreditation for All Electric Motor Service Centers

Updated: Feb 4, 2022

When first introduced many motor service centers felt the Accreditation Program was only for the extra-big guy service center companies. When in fact, all motor service centers large, small, or in-between can take advantage and benefit from the EASA Accreditation Program, either informally or formally:

“Informal” would involve using EASA Accreditation developed materials: Accreditation Checklist; Accreditation Checklist with Explanation, and ANSI/EASA AR100-2020 to improve and follow best shop-floor practices. If possible, add a second set of eyes from someone outside of your company to conduct a point-by-point audit using the EASA Accreditation Checklist. For anyone wishing to improve or adjust job (shop traveler) documentation, the EASA Accreditation Checklist is an excellent reference. If the Checklist says “document”, the information should be recorded and saved with job records for at least three-years.

“Formal” would require meeting all the Accreditation Checklist process and calibration requirements, much like “Informal”. Possibly start with “informal” and if everything seems close, then have an onsite EASA Accreditation sanctioned auditor confirm compliance and submit an approved EASA Accreditation Checklist to EASA.

The big barrier to EASA Accreditation is often the cost of calibration, for both formal and informal EASA Accreditation seekers. Happy days, EASA has help available, click for inhouse calibration overview. In addition, Geen Motors Practices Group has developed in-house calibration procedures for several instruments and is developing more regularly to help reduce calibration costs.

A quick capitalistic pig advertisementMotor service centers preparing for formal EASA Accreditation and commit to using the Green Motors Practices Group for their technical evaluation (audit) may request at no cost, examples of developed inhouse calibration documentation. We’re more than happy to answer questions, review documents and discuss specifics as needed without charge —Now, back to the blog already in progress.

Why complete an informal EASA Accreditation process?

  • Significant warranty reduction has been reported

  • Aligns with industry standard procedures, documentation and calibration

  • Provides a reasonably defensible position if job processes are questioned

  • Lays out best practices for management and shop-floor staff eliminating misunderstood or obsolete motor repair practices

If formal EASA Accreditation, in addition to the above, add the following reasons:

  • Motor end-users prefer motor service center oversite by a qualified third-party evaluator

  • Provides a very strong defensible position if job processes are questioned

  • Several motor manufacturers require EASA Accredited service centers for warranty repairs

  • A Green Motor Practices Group, EASA Accreditation onsite auditor focuses on EASA Accreditation Checklist requirements, while making suggestion beyond the EASA Accreditation Checklist keeping an open mind to alternative methods. The evaluator should be willing to take the extra time to run questionable or process variations through EASA’s Technical Support Specialists.

If your company is an electric motor service center, it is our sincere hope you commit and follow through on either formal or informal EASA Accreditation processes. Both alternatives, developed by our industry (EASA), are well worth the time and money invested to make your service center among the best Worldwide in the motor repair industry. If, or when you choose to move from informal to “formal”, please give us a call at (208) 322-6999 (USA Mountain Time). We look forward to working with you.

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